Chick Order Term and Conditions
By ordering your birds through EFC you agree:
EFC cannot be held responsible for the mortality of birds.
No refunds will be issued for the death of birds, nor replacements given.
Accuracy of sexed birds is subject to hatchery of origin conditions and are ​​
not the responsibility of EFC.
If you absolutely cannot have a cockerel,
do NOT order Barred Rock, Columbian Rock X or Rhode Island Reds.
Delivery times are estimated as accurately as possible, but can be subject to change
due to circumstances outside our control.
A valid phone number must be left in order for us to attempt to contact you should
changes to arrival dates occur.
Orders must be paid for in full at the date of order.
Should you decide to cancel your order, EFC must be informed before the cut-off
order date in order to cancel your birds with the hatchery.
No birds will be held in-store overnight.
If you do not pick-up your chicks they will be rehomed and no refunds will be offered.
Arrangements must be made to have your birds picked up on your behalf if you are
unable to pick them up.
There is NO "extras" list,extras will be sold on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Important Order Information
Chick Order's will close at 4pm on the estimated close day.
This is to ensure we do not miss our order window with the hatchery due to time differences.
Chick Order's are paid in advance.
If not paid by the cutoff the order is not counted.
See: Order dates
Chick orders may close earlier than the estimated date.
This occurs due to high local demand causing us to hit our store order limit early or
on request from the hatchery.
To avoid disappointment we recommend ordering early.
Orders open in February or March depending on hatchery confirmations.
Delivery dates are estimates.
Pickup times cannot be determined until flight confirmation from the hatchery.
You will receive a call from us on the first phone number you provide with any
information changes.
Messages will be left if the phone is not answered.
Due to volume of orders and staffing limits the second number is reserved for if we need to
contact you last minute due to unforeseen circumstances.
We have seen delivery dates change by a week or two, especially later in the ordering year.
Chicks can arrive either early in the morning or in the evening.
We will not know until the flight confirmation what time the birds are expected to arrive.
Chicks must be picked up on the date and time slot provided.
We are unable to keep chicks overnight for there own health and safety.
Please ensure your phone number is correct,
update us if any changes are needed to the
first number and,
if you don't hear from us by a week before estimated delivery date,
do give the store a call to check on the order.
Refunds cannot be given after the order date has closed.
Egg layers are being sexed to hens.
Unfortunately Barred Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red and Columbian Rock x
are harder to sex, this means if you cannot have a cockerel,
avoid these breeds as roosters are more likely to slip through.
See Available Breeds
How to Order:
Unfortunately our system is unable to handle online orders or e-transfer.
We also cannot take orders over email. Payment needs to be provided at time of order and email is NOT a secure way to pay. Please call the store at 1-709-368-4321 to inquire about available payment options.
Turkeys all HENS 2024​
What we need from you at the time of order:
A valid phone number - we need to be able to call you about your order
The number and variety of birds you wish to order
A method of payment
We do our best to make sure chick days run smoothly.
We will call you on the FIRST number you provide usually a week before our
estimated delivery date to confirm date and time of arrival.
This may change if flight information to us is delayed.
We will call at other times if we have advanced notice that there is significant
changes to delivery dates.
Second number is only used if we need to get ahold of you quickly.
We do not call day of unless flight is cancelled or advanced
warning of significant delay